Vallejo, CA

Our Designer

Here is the story of how 2handscrafting began and our designer Peter Wilson.

Peter began his beading by creating a Christmas present for his sister Cyndi Lepley. She fell in love with large turquoise beads she spotted in Benicia Bead in 2005.

He enjoyed handcrafting the necklace.  Thus began beading of other projects. He started one for his Mother, Mother in-law, his sister Victoria Gally and his cousin Geri King.

Carol de Maintenon owner of Benicia Bead recognized Peter was a natural for creating unique pieces. She kept him interested in new projects and attending classes.

A few years later he took an upcycled jewelry class with a friend and fellow crafter Cheryl Feldman. He enjoyed exploring options with making aluminum can flowers as pendants, magnets and more. He has never looked at an aluminum can the same since this class.

He began creating his wearable art in his Studio Lair with wire wrapping, charminatas, beading and Kumihimo.  Cyndi arrived for another visit a few years later. They heaeded to Benicia Bead a favorite spot.  Grace Aberle introduced them to Kumihimo. At first Peter said, “I don’t need to add another craft added to my lair”.  Grace was excited to shared the disk and how to make a kumihimo necklace. She saw he was a natural with the Kumihimo Disk.  Well Peter added a new craft to his lair. Kumihimo offers another way for him express his creative side.

Peter likes keeping his hands busy while watching tv; when traveling he has his travel kits ready. The ride to and from Tahoe gives him enough time to complete a couple of braids and start a third.

He continued making gifts for his family and friends. Friends started seeing Peter’s Creations from classes and his Studio Lair. They encouraged him to offer his creations for sale. 2handscrafting emerged from his Studio Lair.

Cynthia Sproule, proprietor of Zoey June Gift and Garden in Vallejo have been a fan and supporter of Peter’s creations and his 2handscrafting.  She gave him his Start selling with space for a trunk show and a consignment space for 2handscrafting.  You will find his creations he generously donates to local non-profit groups to support their fundraisers.  He teaches craft classes at the Florence Douglas Center,  Kumihimo and an Upcycled Jewelry.

2handscrafting name came to be because of creative thinking due to a misprint on an embossing stamp. The stamp was to read handcrafted by Peter Wilson. There was an error made instead of his initials PW a 2 was placed in the center of the stamp. Peter was thinking about the 2. He was out hiking in Sea Ranch thinking about 2 and 2handscrafting came to him. Because it’s 2 hands that do the crafting.